Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

The History Behind Volleyball

The history of volleyball was started in Massachusetts, the city of Holyoke to be exact. This is the city where William G Morgan first introduced this remarkable game at the YMCA in 1895. Just 4 years earlier his colleague James Naismith who was a director at the Springfield YMCA invented basketball that rapidly gained its popularity, but not many older people can keep up with this fast-paced game, so that gave an inspiration for Morgan to create a less physically challenging sport that can be played by people of all ages. Due to its rather similarities with badminton judging by its court and the net, William Morgan called this game "Mintonette". After an exhibition match, the name of this game was changed into "volley ball" (2 words).
There are so many changes being made to modify this game since the first time it gained popularity, all these changes are finally make this game a lot more interesting and challenging. At the first time, volleyball can be played by as many players as long as they could fit in the court, there were absolutely no limitations for the number of participants. this rule later changed and only 6 players on each team were allowed. Another significant change was the introduction of the three touch rule, before this, the players can hit the ball as many as they want before crossing it to the other side.
The next stage of the volleyball history took this game outside of the USA to other parts of the world, YMCA workers who worked in Missionary schools brought this game to Asian countries. In Europe, volleyball was introduced by the US military being stationed in European countries during the world war I.

Perhaps some of the most significant improvements in the volleyball history was when the governing bodies of this sport were begin to formed, USVBA was formed in 1928 and followed by the international federation of volleyball in 1947 that helped to improve this game greatly. Those governing bodies made possible for international class tournaments to be held, and this made volleyball gained even bigger popularity and attract a lot of young people, they even started to introduce this game as being a part of physical education program in highschools and colleges.
Volleyball also became a favorite pastime game people play on their vacation, in 1940s this game is really popular along the California Coast played by beach visitors. But this fun holiday activity later changed into a new breed of volleyball game played by two players on each side. This resulted in the introduction of a new independent sport called beach volleyball.
Volleyball finally became one of the sports in the Olympics in the year of 1964. From that point, the expansion of this game seemed unstoppable, anyone seemed to be fall in love easily on this game. Today there are more than 800 million volleyball players in the world, and in fact this game has become the second most played sport in the world after soccer.

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Volleyball Terms - Useful Information For Volleyball Fans

Playing or watching a sporting match would be great if we know a lot about the game, including the rules of the game and all the terms being used in the game. Volleyball as a well established sport also has a long list of terms commonly used during the game and by understanding these volleyball terms you will have better knowledge of the game thus you can enjoy the game more. Below I have listed a number of the most common volleyball terms that could enrich your knowledge of volleyball information.

Ace: When no opposite team player can touch the ball after being served until the ball hits the ground and gives score to the server.

Assist: Tossing the ball to the teammate so he can make a kill, it only calls an assist when the next touch of the ball results in score for the team.

Attacker: A player that attacks the ball with intention for scoring, it's also known as hitter or spiker.

Attack Line: This is an area 3 meters away from the net which also called the 10ft line

Back Row Attack: When a player jump from behind the attack line to attack the ball.

Block: A move to avoid the opponent's attacker to score by deflecting it back to the opponent's court.

Ball Handling Error: A violation when a player consecutively touches the ball twice or lifting/throwing the ball.

Bump Pass: Passing the ball by clasping the fingers together and hitting the ball with the forearms.

Center Line: The line that divides the court equally which is located under the net.

Dig: The act of saving the ball being spiked by an opponent's hitter by reaching for it and pass it to the teammate.

Double Hit: A player touch the ball twice consecutively.

Floater: A serving style that the ball is not spun or rotated, usually the direction of the ball is quite hard to guess.

Jump Serve: Serving by throwing the ball and then followed by a jump hit.

Red Card: A card shown by the referee that implies whether a team forfeits a serve or forfeits a point, or a player should leave the game.

Rotation: Players moving clockwise to switch position after a serve.

Serve: The way to start a gameplay by hitting the ball to the opposite team's court from behind the end line.

Service Error: A serve that doesn't executed correctly, perhaps the ball doesn't cross the net or touching it, the server's foot touches the line, or the ball is out of bound.

Setter: Usually the player that touches the second ball then positions the ball so the attacker could hit the ball perfectly.

Side Out: A circumstance that a team gets the right to serve because they just score a point or an error committed by the serving team.

Actually there are much more terms being used in volleyball, but as a start you at least have to know the volleyball terms listed here to have a better understanding of this incredible game.

Sabtu, 15 September 2012

Fascinating volleyball History And Information

With a history of more than century, volleyball really has lots of interesting facts to be told. These are all exciting information that would be great to know to improve your volleyball knowledge if you are a true fan of volleyball. In this article you will find some of the most interesting facts about volleyball that you probably have never heard of.

The history of volleyball is built with so many interesting volleyball facts, and those would be the first things we will discuss here. Volleyball was invented initially to be played by businessmen who need some pastime exercise, the inventor is William G Morgan a YMCA director who created this game in 1895. When the first time this game being played the rules of volleyball was quite simple, each side can have as many players as there was no limitation on the numbers, also there was no 3 hits rule as this rule was not implemented until 1920.

After the introduction of this game, volleyball started to gain popularity and spread all over the world, the people outside of the USA not only playing this game but they also made some great improvements on this game. In Philippines, the players were inventing some interesting offensive play with set and spike in 1916, and volleyball became more attractive to young people since then, and probably this was also the reason why it was so easily accepted in high schools and colleges in America. Another important improvement was made in Bulgaria when the first governing body of volleyball was established, The USA followed 8 years later by forming the United States Volleyball Association (USVBA) in 1928.

That's not all the improvements made in the history of volleyball, there are still plenty of facts on volleyball we can see here. At first, the height of the net is only 6'6" before it was raised to 7'11 5/8", and back then, "volleyball" is not even the name given for this game, this game was introduced by the name "mintonette". Most changes of the volleyball probably related to its rules, in 1920 the back row attack rule was being introduced and then in 1940's the forearm pass was implemented in the game.

In the Olympic, volleyball was started being played in 1964, and this increase the popularity of this sport massively. Over 800 million volleyball players in the world today, and this game has earn the predicate of the most played sport in the world next to soccer. Hopefully the facts about volleyball could enrich your knowledge about this game and make you love this sport even more.

Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

William Morgan - The Designer Of Volleyball Game

William G Morgan
In volleyball, we know a lot of famous names like Al Scates, Sinjin Smith, or Flo Hyman, unfortunately not too many people know about William G Morgan, the most significant figure in the volleyball history. William G Morgan was the man behind the invention of volleyball in 1895 when he served at YMCA Holyoke, Massachusetts as Director of Physical Education. At first he called the game he just invented, Mintonette, but the name changed into volleyball later on after someone noticed that the game involved a lot of ball volleying during the demonstration of the game.

William G Morgan was born in Massachusetts and he studied at Springfield College. That was the place where Morgan first met James Naismith, a genius who invented Basketball in 1891. Morgan was so impressed with this new game, in fact, that's what gave him motivation to invented volleyball.

Basketball is a really interesting game and fun to play, however this was designed for energetic young players and also involved a lot of physical contact. That was the reason why older people and older members of the YMCA could not participate in the game. That's what gave William Morgan the idea of creating a new game that can be played by people of all ages.

When creating volleyball, Morgan took a few different aspects of other sports like Tennis, Handball, Faustball, Baseball, and Basketball then combined them to compose a great game. It didn't take very long for volleyball to caught people's attention and quickly it became a popular sports, and that made William Morgan's name also known to the public. The popularity of volleyball actually realy helpful on Morgan's teaching career, when he became the Director of Physical Education for the YMCA Holyoke in 1896, his classes were favored by the students and always grew in numbers.

Volleyball has become an international sport, all through the years this game has gone through so many improvements and supported by many international sports organizations until finally it's performed in many kinds of worldwide class competitions that includes the Olympics. Today volleyball has become a very popular sport in the world and recognized as the second most played sports in the world after Soccer. In honoring the founder of this amazing game, every year The Morgan Throphy is presented for the most dedicated male and female players of the collegiate volleyball by the William Morgan Foundation.

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Mintonette - One Of The Most Famous Sports In The World

Can you tell me what Mintonette is? No clue? How if I ask you what is volleyball? I bet you can tell me the answer. Not so many people know that Mintonette and Volleyball are actually the very same thing. A few years after this game was created by The Physycal Education Director of YMCA Massachusetts, William G Morgan, the name Mintonette is no longer used for this game and not so many people know about this term since then.

It all started in 1895, the time when Basketball just caught the attention of many sports fan in the USA after it was introduced a few years before in the Springfield YMCA by James Naismith. Basketball got extremely popular almost instantly, young people in America really enjoyed playing this full-action game, however not a lot of older people can really enjoy this sport because basketball also involves lots of physical contacts that could become quite rough. Seeing that, William Morgan had an initiative to make a sport as an alternative to basketball that can also be played by older people, he intended to create a sport with less physical contacts but still full of action, and that becomes the beginning of the volleyball history.

William Morgan put together several elements from different other sports like Basketball, Baseball, and Tennis in order to create a game that he desired, and then he chose the name Mintonette for the sport he just invented. Even though the rules, also the skillsets and techniques being used in this game back then were very much different with what we can see today, Mintonette was actually created to be suitable for indoor and outdoor game. Back then, any numbers of player can participate as long as they can fit into the court, the game begins with a serve, then the players just need to keep the ball in motion from one side to the other until one side fails to hit and the ball touches the ground.

One of the first improvements of this sport is actually the name, the name Mintonette was thought to be not very much appealing and less descriptive, so according to how the game is played, finally volleyball was chosen to be the proper title of this game. Since then, the name Mintonette is no longer used, and the rules also started to change, in 1917 the score was changed from 21 to 15 and a few years after that the three hits per side rule was introduced.

As volleyball growing in popularity some national and international organizations managing this sport were started to appear, and this made volleyball travel far away from its origin to many different countries. This game finally made it into the Olympic for the first time in 1964 when it was held in Tokyo, after that it didn't take very long until it became one of the most played sports in the world. The improvements of this sport didn't stop there, it continued to evolved until it initiate the invention of a new kind of sport named Beach Volleyball, and that makes volleyball even more favored by so many people.

Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

From The Sand To The Olympic - The Story Of Beach Volleyball

Soon after William Morgan invented the volleyball in 1895 this sport quickly spread throughout America and around the world. Some of the reasons why people really enjoy playing this game are probably because it's so fun and only requires some basic equipments so they can play it just about anywhere including on the beach. Those people didn't even had an idea that what they were doing will become a really revolutionary stage in the volleyball history.

Actually there are some different opinions as to when and where the beginning of the beach volleyball history. A few believe that beach volleyball was first being played in Waikiki Beach in Hawaii around 1915, and others really believe that it was played for the first time in France on some nudist beach. However the most popular story says that it begins in California in the 1920's when many people play this game during their holiday in Santa Monica Beaches.

However, this game was really having a blast during the great depression in 1930's. A lot of people were looking some low cost activities that they can do for recreation and playing volleyball on the beach was a really cool and inexpensive option. During this era most people played beach volleyball with 6 players on each side, but they also began to vary the number of players like playing 2 on 2, 3 on 3, also 4 on 4.

The 1950's is probably the first important stage in the beach volleyball history because tournaments are started to held. However at the beginning this was not just a sporting event, in order to attract more people, they mixed it with some other forms of entertainment including beauty contest. From that moment, the development of beach volleyball seemed to be unstoppable, more and more people in America and even the rest of the world were in love with this sport and the sponsors were starting to come.

One of the very first sponsors of beach volleyball was Winston Cigarettes in a tournament in 1975. With many sponsors came along, the beach volleyball tournaments were also getting better, and in 1979 one of the most important beach volleyball tournaments was held for the very first time, The King Of The Beach Tournament. As the popularity increased, people started to play beach volleyball anywhere even in the middle of the city where they built artificial sand courts, with this improvement even the people who live in countries with no coastlines are able to feel the sensation of playing volleyball on the sand.

Beach volleyball even became more popular around the world after being played as a demonstration sport in 1992 Olympics and soon after, officially being competed in Atlanta for the 1996 Olympics. Today beach volleyball has been played by hobbyists and professional athletes from all over the world, and also more world class tournaments are being held. There is no doubt that the creation of beach volleyball marked a very important stage in the history of volleyball game, and this is also a living proof for us that a humble pastime activity could become a world class sport.

Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

One Site For nearly all Volleyball Information

Most people would agree that volleyball is not only a game that is fun to be played but also entertaining to watch, perhaps that's the reason why this game is so quickly gaining people's attention after it was introduced over a hundred years ago. The popularity of this game is not only can be seen in its origin in the United States, but today it's already spread across the globe. Because of its popularity more and more people everyday are trying to learn to play it, and master all the volleyball techniques.

Luckily the modern technology makes everything easier for us, today all kinds of information including volleyball information are made available online. If you search on the internet you will find millions of webpages providing information about volleyball including volleyball history, news, players and coaches profiles, volleyball products, volleyball techniques, and many more. These information are really useful for beginners to learn more about volleyball and also could be useful for advanced players that are trying to improve their knowledge and skills.

Nevertheless, too many sources of information sometimes make it a little hard for us to determine which one is the most reliable. Finding out about the reputation of a volleyball website will help you to know whether the website really contain reliable information and could really be helpful for you. After that you should figure out if there are some real volleyball experts and professionals available on the site, therefore you would know that all the information on volleyball given on the site are truly legit and came from the people who actually have real expertise. is one of a few volleyball websites that has all the qualifications to be called as the most reliable source for information of volleyball on the web. This website has thousands of members from all over the world and also get lots of good reviews from thousands of volleyball enthusiasts and from other websites, and I guess that should be enough to say that this site has a really good reputation. Speaking about professional help, there are so many popular coaches like Al Scates and Gary Sato, also great players like Mike Diehl, stein Metzger, and many others that share their expertise and experience on this site. is probably the largest online library for information about volleyball, not only articles but also tutorial videos by famous players and coaches on volleyball techniques and practice drills. This website also one of the best places to shop for volleyball supplies, it has a wide range of volleyball equipments from the finest brands available with quite reasonable price. One good thing about obtaining your volleyball equipments from this website is because on this site you will find so many product reviews presented by popular professional players, this site is truly a great source for volleyball information.